Sunny Day

Half Dozen Sun Flowers hand Bouquet

A beautiful bunch of Sunflowers

Looking for a jubilant bouquet to brighten the day? Send sunflowers! They're such a popular choice but only have quite a limited season. Such a great price for an awesome bouquet.

Flowers are sent fresh for maximum vase-life so may not arrive looking as open as in the photo.

Same Day Delivery services is available, just choose the flowers delivery date on the checkout page, we will deliver within office hour if you placed your flower order before 14:00 on weekday


Sunny Day

  • HK$750.00
  • HK$650.00

Tags: congratulation, men, yellow, smile


Sweet Peach

Sweet Peach

16 Stems Rose Bouquet in Peach Color Send Sixteen Light Peach roses (Champagne Color) in a bouque..


Romantic Forever  99 Blue Color of Roses Bouquet

Romantic Forever 99 Blue Color of Roses Bouquet

99pcs Roses Bouquet in Blue Color, Blue Roses mean Romantic, send this very special 99pcs Roses Bouq..

HK$3,938.00 HK$4,938.00

Lily Bouquet , 3 lily and 4 gerbera

Lily Bouquet , 3 lily and 4 gerbera

Lily Bouquet , 3 lily and 4 gerbera ..

HK$450.00 HK$530.00

Purple Lover

Purple Lover

Perfect Match ! Purple Roses and Pink Carnations arrangement in Vase with a Purple Bow, total twelve..

HK$750.00 HK$1,000.00

Birthday Combo with Flowers, Birthday Cake and Teddy

Birthday Combo with Flowers, Birthday Cake and Teddy

A Birthday Combo come with a Bunch of 18pcs Roses Bouquet, a Delicious 1Lb Birthday Cake, a 30cm Hei..

HK$1,000.00 HK$1,200.00


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