
Fresh red flowers send the clear and powerful message of intense romantic love. Red is the unquestioned color of passion and any red bouquet or red flower arrangement will communicate your strong and powerful love. Red flowers are the closest symbolic likeness to the heart. Red is the color of seduction and desire. Red roses are the most common red flower, but red carnations, red tulips, and red gerbera daisies will all transmit your message of desire and passion.
10 Red Roses in Round Bouquet
10 Perfect Match Red Roses in Round Bouquet Red roses show ele..
HK$630.00 HK$700.00
100 Rose Bouquet with 93 Red and 7 Champagne Color of Rose
99 Rose Bouquet with Red and Champagne Color of Rose, two tone of roses in a bouuet, flowers can be ..
HK$1,738.00 HK$1,738.00
12 x Long Stem Premium Rose Presentation Box
12 x Long Stem Premium Rose Presentation Box ..
HK$548.00 HK$640.00
18 Long Stem Premium Rose Presentation Box
18 Long Stem Premium Rose Presentation Box ..
HK$800.00 HK$930.00
20 Stems Red Rose in Gift Box
One Dozen Red Rose in Gift Box, beautifully arrange in a Grand Paper Box. * Color of Gift Box w..
HK$738.00 HK$848.00
20 Stems Red Roses in a Round Gift Box
20 Stems Red Roses in a Round Gift Box The more the merrier! Having many fully-bloomed, mesmeric ..
HK$838.00 HK$938.00
24 Long Stem premium Roses Presentation Box
24 Long Stem premium Roses Presentation Box ..
HK$900.00 HK$1,000.00
6 Rose and 4 Asiatic Lily Package with Medium Teddy Bear and Happy Birthday Helium Balloon
6 Rose and 4 Asiatic Lily Package with Medium Teddy Bear and balloon ..
HK$630.00 HK$670.00