Tulips Bouquet

Tulips Bouquet

The beauty and grace of a simple Tulips means effect, Tulips from Canada and Holland enduring love between partners or family, Undying passionate love, loyalty and a regal nature, abundance, prosperity. Tulips offer a basic cup shape that shows off the sides of the petals. It's meaning on its color. For example: yellow Tulip to someone means you love them, red is the color of passion and perfect love, don't send a red color tulips to a family member, it will be sending the wrong message, Purple Tulips is tied to royalty, but also abundance and prosperity, is less intense affection and love, and also offers a more appropriate choice for friends and family. flower shop provided those colors of tulips, flowers are fresh arrival from overseas supplier everyday. Tulips normally can last a week if keep it in the cool place, it will bloom very beauty if put in in the warm place, but it only can keep 2-3days.

10 Mixed China Tulips Bouquet

10 Mixed China Tulips Bouquet

10 Mixed Tulips Bouquet ..

HK$750.00 HK$800.00

10 Mixed Holland Tulips Vase Bouquet

10 Mixed Holland Tulips Vase Bouquet

10 Mixed Tulips Bouquet ..

HK$800.00 HK$1,000.00

100pcs Holland Tulips Bouquet

100pcs Holland Tulips Bouquet

Peoples always send 100pcs for Roses Bouquet for her girl friends , now how special of flowers for y..

HK$1,730.00 HK$2,030.00

12 Orange Tulips Bouquet

12 Orange Tulips Bouquet

12 Tulips Bouquet in Orange Color ..

HK$830.00 HK$1,000.00

24 Mixed Tulips Bouquet

24 Mixed Tulips Bouquet

24 Mixed Tulips Bouquet ..

HK$1,000.00 HK$1,100.00

50pcs Orange Tulips Bouquet

50pcs Orange Tulips Bouquet

Valentine's Special - 50pcs Orange Tulips Bouquet ..

HK$1,750.00 HK$1,850.00

Black Jack

Black Jack

  Black Jack and Yellow Queen Tulips Vase Bouquet 10 Black Jack and 10 Yellow Queen Tulip..


Bright Holland Yellow Tulips Bouquet

Bright Holland Yellow Tulips Bouquet

Bright Holland Yellow Tulips Bouquet 10 Holland Fresh Tulips in Yellow Color Yellow tulip prov..

HK$830.00 HK$930.00

Bright Pink

Bright Pink

10 Pretty Pink bright colors tulips vase arrangement looks very beautiful, this arrangement gifts fo..


Holland Pink Color Tulips Bouquet

Holland Pink Color Tulips Bouquet

10pcs Holland Tulips Bouquet beautifully wrapped in a elegant natural color paper ..

HK$670.00 HK$730.00

Holland Purple Tulips arrangement in Vase

Holland Purple Tulips arrangement in Vase

10 Stems Fresh Tulips in purple color from Holland, it is a amazing birthday gift for your lover, no..

HK$790.00 HK$900.00

My Apology

My Apology

The White Day with 20 Pure White Tulips in a Clear Glass Vase. White Tulips means forgiveness, puri..


Orange Crush

Orange Crush

One Dozen Orange Tulips in a Round Cylinder Vase with a Purple Ribbon ..

HK$1,150.00 HK$1,250.00

Passionate Purple Tulips

Passionate Purple Tulips

For anyone who is passionate about purple, this majestic arrangement of the prettiest purple tulips ..

HK$750.00 HK$800.00

Pink Tulips Hand Bouquet 20 Stems

Pink Tulips Hand Bouquet 20 Stems

Pink Tulips Hand Bouquet (20 Stems) Holland Tulips Hand Bouquet with 20 Stems Pink Color Tulips ..


Showing 1 to 15 of 25 (2 Pages)


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