Mixed Bouquet

Mixed Bouquet

Mixed Flower bouquet can use for many occasions such as birthday, anniversary, wedding, concerts or any other occasions. Our flower shop use the main flowers of roses, lilies, gerberas and carnation etc. mixed with seasonal matching flowers. Normally can be kept between 5 to 7 days at the room temperature. If you want the flowers to be last more longer, please remember replace the water of the vase everyday and add a little fresh flower preservative, so the roses can be more brilliant and lasting.

Oriental , gerbera and roses bouquet

Oriental , gerbera and roses bouquet

Oriental , gerbera and roses bouquet ..

HK$650.00 HK$730.00

Oriental Bouquet , 5 Lily and 6 Rose Vase Bouquet

Oriental Bouquet , 5 Lily and 6 Rose Vase Bouquet

Oriental Bouquet , 5 Lily and 6 Rose ..

HK$600.00 HK$700.00



8 Stems Red Lily in a Bouquet Beautifully scented red oriental lilies arrive ready to arrange to cr..


Peony with Roses Bouquet

Peony with Roses Bouquet

10pcs Pink color peony with Half Dozen Dark Red Roses Beautifully wrapped in a Pink Paper with Pink ..

HK$800.00 HK$900.00

Ping Pong Flowers Bouquet

Ping Pong Flowers Bouquet

Four Ping Pong Flowers in white color with 4 Pink roses and 4 peach roses beautifully in round bouqu..

HK$700.00 HK$800.00

Pink Flowers Bouquet

Pink Flowers Bouquet

Pink Flowers Bouquet for a sweetly pink lady, One Pink Lily with four Pink colors gerberas beautiful..

HK$450.00 HK$450.00

Pink Rose with Mix Color of Tulips in a Round Shape Gift Box

Pink Rose with Mix Color of Tulips in a Round Shape Gift Box

One Dozen Pink Rose with Eight Mix Color of Tulips in a Round Shape Gift Box ..

HK$1,330.00 HK$1,530.00



Priscilla ..

HK$570.00 HK$630.00

Roses and Asiatic Bouquet

Roses and Asiatic Bouquet

Roses and Asiatic Bouquet ..

HK$600.00 HK$700.00



Serenity ..

HK$580.00 HK$700.00

Sexy Sadie

Sexy Sadie

Sexy Sadie ..

HK$560.00 HK$600.00

Spray Rose and Chrysanthemum Bouquet

Spray Rose and Chrysanthemum Bouquet

Spray Rose and Chrysanthemum Bouquet ..

HK$550.00 HK$630.00



Sunshine. Send three sunflowers in yellow colors to her,  sun flowers like smile and sunshine, just ..

HK$530.00 HK$630.00

Thailand Grade A Orchids Bouquet

Thailand Grade A Orchids Bouquet

Fresh Thailand Grade A Orchids in Purple and White Color, it is good for birthday flowers, anniversa..

HK$648.00 HK$748.00

The Alison

The Alison

15 Stems Mix Color Holland Tulips Boquuet *Colors of tulips may subject to availability ..

HK$770.00 HK$830.00

Showing 76 to 90 of 96 (7 Pages)


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